While Ubuntu ships with Ruby, it’s such a fast moving target that the packages date quickly. Installing an REE deb package with deprec is the quickest way to get more up to date. It’s the default version installed when you call the generic command:
cap deprec:ruby:install HOSTS=lucid
Install Ruby Enterprise Edition
My current preferred option is to install Phusion’s deb package. It’s Ruby 1.8.7 with some improvements to get better memory usage.
$ cap deprec:ree:install HOSTS=lucid
triggering load callbacks
* executing `deprec:connect_canonical_tasks'
* executing `deprec:ree:install'
1. ree_lucid32
2. ree_src
3. ree_lucid
? 3
Advanced Tip
You can avoid being prompted by setting :ree_src_package to one of the listed values.
set :ree_src_package, 'ree_lucid'
Install MRI Ruby
If you’re after Ruby 1.9.x or just like waiting for things to compile then install the “official” version.
$ cap deprec:mri:install HOSTS=lucid
triggering load callbacks
* executing `deprec:connect_canonical_tasks'
* executing `deprec:mri:install'
1. mri_1_8_7
2. mri_1_9_2
? 2
Advanced Tip
You can avoid bring prompted by setting :mri_src_package to one of the listed values.
set :mri_src_package, 'mri_1_9_2'